Thursday 8 November 2007

'Love Trap'

I was watching the new series 'Love Trap' last night. The premise is to take one, young, good-looking, Swedish female, mix her with a Brit, an Italian, a German, a Ugandan (?), an Italian, and an Australian, bake for 30 minutes, and enjoy. The premise, which is based on national stereotypes, revolves around the notion that, 'Italian men will act like this' and 'A German man would do this'. Unfortunately, one person cannot represent the actions/thoughts of a whole nation. (I know, it's very unfortunate for t.v. land that it can't be wrapped up in a tidier package)

The premise of the show was taken from the much-loved show called 'Tourist trap' which still revolved around stereotypes and huge generalizations, but had a bit more validity, considering it was based on the actions of 15 people, rather than just one!

The good news is that while watching this programme, I took vigorous mental notes about sections which were good and which sections could definitely be improved (for example, the contestant selection process. If you are going to base the actions of one person as a representation of a whole culture, then at least make sure this person embodies all of our presumptions about that culture!) Funnily enough, as I sat down at my computer, with my list of suggestions, I was called by the producer of the show, asking if I had seen it and wanting to know my thoughts on the program. Watch this space-with an Anthropologist's assistance, we might see a new and improved Love Trap on our screens, very soon. (and ladies, I will make sure they choose some nice eye candy next time!)

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