Saturday, 29 March 2008

Diet Coke can get you dates

No, I am not being sponsored by Diet Coke to write this blog entry, but it really does get you dates.

Case in point. I was perusing the soda selection at my neighbourhood shop, which is a very bad habit that I have gotten into lately thanks to my association with some fabulous, but major Diet Coke swilling women. Simple economics led me to purchase a case of it, rather than following my original intention, which was to buy one can. ('The savings' is my only defense) So, obviously lugging 24 cans of Diet Coke isn't a walk in the park. It's more like a long walk down the Edgware Rd. It's moments like these that I really miss cars. Not to actually drive it, but rather to be driven around in it.

After walking the first two blocks and working my biceps in a fashion that Arnold would be proud of, I finally had to admit defeat. I set the case down and started looking for someone to help me. I figured that as long as I would be making small talk with the kind-hearted person who would be carrying my 24 pack for me, I might as well choose someone whom I would like to look at while making small talk. Now, I know many of you would never dream of doing this, but what we tend to forget is that people like to help other people. When we help others, it makes us feel good. Flirting is all about making people feel good. Do you see how that works? The link is not quite as obvious as the ,"You look absolutely fantastic today' kind of feel good, but it's the same principle, nevertheless.

I found my cute helper and said,"Excuse me, this has gotten extremely heavy. Are you walking that way? Would you mind helping me?" The next thing I knew I was engaged in a lovely conversation. At the end of the street I thanked him profusely. He suggested we go out for drinks sometime. I pondered it for a moment, as he was lovely, but then decided to leave it at a nice, but brief encounter with humanity. "That's very kind of you, but I don't think so." He accepted the news graciously and we bid each other a fond farewell.

Now, at that last bit of the story, my friend said, "I would have felt obliged to give him my number." Errmm,,,why? Let's put things in perspective. Which one is the nicer thing to do?

Option A: Tell him upfront in a nice, but gentle manner, that the encounter was what is was.

Option B: Under obligation, give him your number making him think you like him more than you do and then proceed to either ignore his phone calls or make feeble excuses for not seeing him?

In any case, I am sure you will be glad to know that my Diet Coke got home safely at last and that there is a very pleased boy running around London knowing that he helped someone in distress. Ah, the humanity of it all.

Friday, 28 March 2008

Life is good when it's sunny

Oh God, don't tell me it's raining again. These thoughts passed my head this morning as I looked out the window at the gloomy London weather. Although, I was instantly comforted when I realized these were also the lyrics which I sang with pleasure when I was in a band. It was actually one of my favourites.

Ah, weather. I think it's obvious, but weather has such an affect on whether someone is in the mood for flirting. And, according to my research on flirting, one's mood is the biggest factor which affects one's desire to flirt. This correlation became even more obvious during our small bout of sunshine and warm weather, the one in which we were naively fooled into thinking the last of Winter was over and Spring was upon us.

During this small period of flirting frenzy, I looked around me and noticed there were actually human beings underneath forms which I once thought were only thick coats and woolly hats. Let's face it, life is good when it's sunny. And I, for one, am ready for the honking cars and the random smiles again. Bring on the sun!

Flirting is fun and you get free stuff!

I still believe that the best flirting happens when it is motive-free. When someone has an agenda when flirting, whether it's to get a promotion, a date, or a discount, it just doesn't work. And, I guess, it all stems back from the fact that in order to feel the glow of a good flirting encounter, in all of it's majestic glory, it has to be about making the other person feel special. Without sounding too 'new-agey' it's only when you give freely that you can truly receive.

To this end, I just got back from the fruit, veg, and flower market. I ended up with an extra carton of strawberries and a pot of Hyacinths, thanks to the lovely and generous stall owners. Give unselfishly to others and you will bask in the returns (even if that is not your intention, bien sur) Oh yes, and visit the Church street market in London for the freshest fruit and veg. Pop in and say hi to me as long as you're in the area.